May 5, 2009

Camping Trip Recap.....

Gosh, I can't believe it has already been 2 weeks since we headed out for our annual family reunion/camping trip. Every April we head down to south Texas to get in some rest, relaxation, and family time capped off with a big family reunion on Saturday. This year we headed down on Tuesday with the travel trailer, the dog, the baby, and just "got away from it all". Paul, Avery, Rowdy, and I were at the campsite alone on Tuesday and Wednesday and then Thursday other family started arriving. We are such creatures of habit that we always stay at the same state park in pretty much the same campsites. We have many traditions on our camping trips so I thought I would share some of those.

This is the first year that we have had Avery with us on this annual camping
adventure. Even though she was home for the reunion last year because we had just arrived home from China we nixed the usual camping plan and instead just stayed in a local hotel for a couple of nights. It was so reflective for me sitting in my chair in the evenings watching her run around and play all the while thinking of the years that we sat in these very same spots dreaming of her. Life really has come full circle.

For the first couple of days just our little family enjoyed the outdoors including the playground, bike rides, nature walks, and the solitude that comes from having no schedule and nothing to do.

Avery loved the playground. We would walk here every morning and sometimes afternoons too so she could slide and swing.

One of our family traditions on camping trips is to have homemade sloppy joe sandwiches the first night. I don't know how or why we started this but it is something we always do.
Avery was really enjoying the sloppy joe meat and for her of course the messier, the better.

I thought this picture of Avery with the rubber hammer was just too cute. I think every male in Paul's family thinks a hammer fixes anything so needless to say we always have one with us on camping trips.
Avery is just looking for something to hit with her hammer!!

Loving the swing!!

Another tradition we have on camping trips is taking bike rides. Last summer we got this trailer for Avery to go behind the bike and she loves it. Whenever she wanted to go for a ride she simply walked up to her daddy and said "Ride, pease!!!" He of course could not resist so off they went.
Isn't it awesome how kids get so excited about things?

One of the crazy traditions we have is that the ladies always give each other pedicures. It doesn't matter if we are lakeside, in the middle of woods, or wherever....camping means pedicures!!

Here I am getting my pedicure from Sandra!

Avery had to join the girls and get her toes done also!

Camping also means spending hours just sitting around visiting with family
Paul, Sandra, and Cliff try to decide what's next on the daily agenda.

This year on Friday evening we all gathered up and went to a local BBQ place for dinner. It was so great because they gave our party the whole patio. So we were outside with nature but didn't have to do any of the prep work or clean up. We were also lucky enough to see several dear very close to the restaurant while we were eating.
Getting ready to chow down!!

Saturday is the actual reunion with all of the extended family. Everyone was amazed at how much Avery has grown since last year and of course she loved all the attention. We love this opportunity to catch up with everyone.

Here is our little branch of the family! Us, Paul's parent, grandparents, brother and wife, aunt, and uncle.

My little family!!

Our little girl who's not quite so little anymore!!!

And yet more relaxing...
yep, this is a typical Saturday night at the campsite.

Avery enjoying another mode of transportation:
Kaydee and Avery going for a stroll.

One of the last traditions we have is playing cards. While the girls were playing cards the boys were playing Wii.... a sign of the times I guess!?!?
Sandra, Melinda, and me

So that pretty much wraps up this years camping trip!! We loved the time away and it went by all too quickly!!

I still have to catch up my posting about Avery's birthday party and another family reunion. Maybe blogging would be a little easier to keep caught up if I didn't take 100 pictures of every event !?!?

Thanks for checking in with us!!!!

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