January 3, 2007

Bringing in the New Year!!

After returning from an action-packed celebration in Oklahoma we came home, unloaded the car, and headed over to Erin and Bob's to celebrate New Years Eve with some of our closest friends. As usual when we get together there was tons of laughter, tons of food, and tons of memories that will forever be treasured.

I know my posse out there is anxiously awaiting pictures so here we go:

Bob looks so sophisticated with his wine and I sure we are having some intelligent conversation.....

but it kind of ruins the sophisticated look when you use the ice chest as a chair!!

Christie singing and laughing to the tune that.....
plays only in HER head!!

The most adorable picture of Gary and Valerie....
see Gary she DOES act like she likes you sometimes!!

Mollianne challenged Anton to a game of air hockey...
she assured me that if you hold one leg up you play much better.

Valerie wore these beautiful beaded shoes in....
and then promptly took them off, sometimes you can't sacrifice comfort for fashion.

The gals:
Christie, Erin, Mollianne, me, and Valerie

The guys:
Gary, Anton, Paul, and Bob (holding Mollianne)

We are definitely ready for the Rockettes.....
but are they ready for us????

Stay tuned for even more pictures of our New Years Eve Celebration.


Kelley said...

Oh man! I am so bummed that I missed this party. Well...at least I didn't have a hangover the next day like some people I know!

Erin said...

Consider them STOLEN! I love the picture of the girls. Too cute! Can't wait to see the rest. Love you!

Valerie said...

OK, my comment went under Grammy's Christmas...sorry I am only half as bright as I am good looking.

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers