So I figure if your reading this blog then it might help to know some things about me. Maybe, just maybe, it will give you some insight to my personality, randomness, and overall self. I have seen on several blogs where they post "100 things about me", so in that tradition I think I will do 50 at a time. Here goes, in no particular order:
100. I will be married for 15 years this June.
99. I married my high school sweetheart at the ripe old age of 17. Hey! I was a month away from being 18 and had just graduated from high school (and NO, I was not pregnant).
98. We were WAY TOO YOUNG to get married but somehow we have made it through. I like to say we grew up together.
97. My whole dream in life has been to be married and be a mother.
96. I never imagined that I would be in my 30's before I became a mother.
95. I am a registered nurse currently working as the assistant manager of a post-partum unit in a moderately sized hospital.
94. I always wanted to be a nurse. I was a candy-striper when I was in high school.
93. I love, love, love Walt Disney World and Disneyland.
92. I am very close to my parents. We actually live next door to each other.
91. I have one brother who is married and has two sons.
90. Avery will be the first granddaughter on my side and the first grandchild on my husband's.
89. I love roller-coasters and the adrenaline rush they give you.
88. I am a control-freak.
87. I am a procrastinator.
86. I sucked my thumb until I was 13 years old.
85. I sleep with a teddy bear to this day. (Everyone need a security blanket)
84. I love to sing loud to the radio when I am in the car alone.
83. I am very loyal to my friends.
82. I am very trusting, but once you break that trust it is almost impossible to get it back.
81. I have a hard time admitting I am wrong.
80. I love giving gifts. Receiving is okay, but my real joy comes from giving.
79. I am very generous to the children in my life.
78. I have only had 2 speeding tickets in my entire life and I always drive fast.
77. I love clearance sales. I often buy stuff I don't need just because of that red clearance sticker.
76. I love taking pictures.
75. Scrapbooking is my latest hobby.
74. I read People magazine every week the day it hits the stands.
73. I have seen every episode of Beverly Hills 90210.
72. My favorite song is "Pour Some Sugar on Me" by Def Leppard and I don't know why.
71. I have a tattoo of a caterpillar on my foot. (it looks really cute when wearing flip flops)
70. I love flip flops. I have around 20 different pair.
69. I hate painting my toenails (not really good for someone who loves flip flops)
68. I bite my fingernails when I am nervous.
67. I don't cry very often.
66. I hold alot of my emotions inside.
65. I have had braces on my bottom teeth 3 times. FYI: you have to wear your retainers!!!
64. I love using exclamation points.
63. I am secretly scared to start Avery's room for fear that something will go wrong and I will never become a mother.
62. I once applied (with my mom) to be on the Amazing Race. We made an awesome video and they didn't even call.
61. They only time I have been outside the country is on a cruise that went to Mexico.
60. I have a passport but no stamps in it.
59. I think it's okay for large women to wear stripes and bright colors.
58. My favorite outfits are sweatshirts and denim shorts.
57. Math was my best subject in school.
56. I was never "an animal" person until I got our current dog Rowdy. He sleeps with us!!
55. I am not a morning person.
54. I like to take long hot soaks in the bathtub with a good book.
53. I have a great relationship with my in-laws.
52. I love to clip coupons and stockpile them until Albertson's offer triple coupons.
51. Purple is my signature color.
50. I love watching movies, romantic comedies are my favorites.
Okay so we are halfway there, I want to leave you with a little suspense so the next 50 will come in a couple of days. Hopefully this gives you a little insight to the inner workings of me.
I hope to use this blog as an outlet for celebrations, frustrations, joys, and heartaches on this journey to Avery.