August 29, 2007

A prayer request.......

Hey, all my blogger pals.......our family is requesting your prayers this morning. Paul's dad, Cliff, is having surgery today. He had a routine stress test earlier this month and just received the results. The doctor thought there "might" be something suspicious so just as a precaution sent him for a cardiac cath (to check for blockages in the heart) yesterday. The news we received was shocking to say the least. Cliff has 5 major blockages in his heart. He was immediately transferred to a bigger medical facility and is having bypass surgery this morning. We anticipate them performing at least 3 bypasses but possibly more. As you can guess surgery of this magnitude is very scary.

We are currently sitting around the hospital room all kind of just staring at each other waiting for him to be taken to surgery. He will be in intensive care for at least one night and the doctor has told us not to expect to go home before Monday.

Please keep our family in your prayers. I will update today as soon as surgery is complete.


Anonymous said...

We will keep you all covered! Dave's dad went through this almost exactly 7 years ago, almost to the DAY and had a quad bypass. I know the feeling to be sitting around waiting and then going through the ICU visits. I will be checking back frequently to hear how Cliff is doing.

Big hugs from us!

Beth and Grace

Christie said...

Praying for you all - love you lots!!

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