February 8, 2008

New friends!!

Since we received our referral I have been able to "hook up" via the web with several other GWCA families that recieved referrals the same day as us. Since we have connected the emails have been flying!!! I have added a category to the left showcasing their blogs (the ones that have a blog) so that you can follow their journeys too. Even though are daughters are not all in the same provinces hopefully we will be able to meet on other portions of our trip.


Kelley said...

How fun! I can't wait to follow their journeys too. BTW, the new layout looks great! :-)

A Raramuri Living in Iowa said...


We might all be traveling together! Our little one is from Guangdong and out LID was 12/26/05. You can visit our blog at: http://chem-man.blogspot.com. Congratulations! horacio and karen

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers