February 19, 2008

We have a pedi appointment!!!

For the first time in our lives (at least as parents) we have the need for a pediatrician!!!!! There is a particular physician in our town who is the best pediatrician around but also very hard to get into to see. As a matter of fact he is not accepting new patients unless you have an "inside source". Thanks to my sister-in-law, Danette, we have broken in and now have an appointment to see him later this week!!!! Paul and I will go and meet him, take Avery's paperwork, and hopefully set up her first appointment for when she finally gets home!!

Oh our lives........they are changing!!!!!!!!!!


Kim said...

How fun...
Have a Great Evening..

Kelley said...

HA! When I read the title, I wondered why you were posting about getting an appointment for a pedicure!!

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers